Customer Testimonials

Here at School House Swimming Lessons, we always love hearing from our families; check out what some of them have to say here!

Brilliant swimming lessons with friendly and helpful staff.

Pamela Hilton Parent

My son loves going to his swimming lessons here. His teachers have brought him on loads and he looks forward to them every week.

Sarah Caton Parent

Brilliant place for your kiddies to learn to swim. The teachers are wonderful.

simi882010 Parent

I can now swim at the age of 31. The swimming lessons are in small groups and Alex is brilliant. She really understands her students and will tailor how she teaches to each individuals understanding.

Fudge 123 Adult Swimmer

Great place for learning to swim. Lovely staff.

Alyson Smith-Brookes Customer

Both my niece and nephew have learnt to swim here and are both now great swimmers. As the classes are small, they have spent more time in the water doing lengths rather then waiting in a line for their turn.

Lucy Howard Parent